
Registration for B.A.T.S Tournaments

Registration for each B.A.T.S tournament will open appx 6 weeks prior to each tournament. See below for when each tournament will open. Registration and payment will be done through the Fish Donkey App.

june 11th- on Chisago Lake opens on may 2nd

july 9th – on Washington/stella opens on may 30th at 6pm

aug 13th- on north long opens on monday June 29th at 6pm

aug 27 on Clearwater opens at 6pm on july 18th

Sept 17th TOC on Mille Lacs, by invite only will open Aug 8th.

any questions, let us know.


1st Annual Lake Clean-up Challenge

Saturday April 23rd, 2022 will be our 1st Annual Lake Clean-up Challenge.

We Challenge every youth in Minnesota to go to a boat ramp near their home and pick up trash. Then take a picture of you and the trash bag in front of the ramp sign. See example below.

email that picture to:
with name and phone number
on sat April 23rd

all youth submissions will be entered into a drawing for a Rapala Deluxe Electric Fillet Knife! Drawing Sunday April 24th.

Our goal is to have 50 different lakes cleaned up!!

Please spread the word to all youth fishing teams so we can meet our goal!


Tournament Registration

We will open the registration soon. Each team will register both anglers together and pay on the Fish Donkey App. Each tournament is $50 per boat. More details will come out as we get closer.

We anticipate each tournament filling up.

What is B.A.T.S

B.A.T.S stands for Bassinator Anglers Traveling Series. We are a bass fishing tournament Series in Minnesota for youth kids in 2nd grade to 8th grade. We will have 4 regular tournaments plus a Tournament of Champions. We will send some teams to the TBF JUNIOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.